The study of families is at the core of Professor Repetti’s research. The papers included here address stress and coping processes in the family, parenting and marital interaction, and child development in the context of the family. Methods include daily report studies, longitudinal studies, and naturalistic recordings.
McNeil, G. D. & Repetti, R. L. (2021). Everyday emotions: Naturalistic observations of specific positive emotions in daily family life. Journal of Family Psychology, 35, 172-181.
Rentscher, K. E., Carroll, J. E., Cole, S. W., Repetti, R. L., Robles, T. F. (2020). Relationship closeness buffers the effects of perceived stress on transcriptomic indicators of cellular stress and biological aging marker p16INK4a. Aging, 12, 16476-16490.
Repetti, R.L. & Saxbe, D.E. (2019). The influence of chronic family stressors on adult health. In B. Fiese (Ed.), APA Handbook of Contemporary Family Psychology: Volume 2. Applications and Broad Impact of Family Psychology (121-136). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Repetti, R.L. & McNeil, G. (2018). Interpersonal emotion dynamics in families. In A. K. Randall & D. Schoebi (Eds), Interpersonal Emotion Dynamics in Close Relationships (pp. 129-148). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Sperling, J. & Repetti, R. (2018). Understanding emotion socialization through naturalistic observations of parent-child interactions. Family Relations, 67, 325-338.
Kuhlman, K. R., Repetti, R. L., Reynolds, B. M. & Robles, T. (2018). Interparental conflict and child HPA-axis responses to acute stress: Insights using intensive repeated measures. Journal of Family Psychology, 32, 773-782.
Bai, S., Reynolds, B.M., Robles, T.F., & Repetti, R.L. (2017). Daily links between school problems and youth perceptions of interactions with parents: A diary study of school-to-home spillover. Social Development, 26, 813-830.
Repetti, R.L. & Wang, S. (2017). Effects of job stress on family relationships. Current Opinion in Psychology, 13, 15-18.
Wang, S. & Repetti, R. (2016). Who gives to whom? Testing the support gap hypothesis with naturalistic observations of couple interactions. Journal of Family Psychology, 30, 492-502.
Bai, S., Repetti, R. L., & Sperling, J. (2016). Children’s expressions of positive emotion are sustained by smiling, touching and playing with parents and siblings: A naturalistic observational study of family life. Developmental Psychology, 52, 88-101.
Sears, M. S., Repetti, R. L., Robles, T. F., & Reynolds, B. M. (2016). I just want to be left alone: Daily overload and marital behavior. Journal of Family Psychology, 30, 569-579.
Repetti, R. L. & Robles, T. F. (2016). Non-toxic family stress: Potential benefits and underlying biology. Family Relations, 65, 163-175.
Sears, M.S., Repetti, R.L., Reynolds, B.M., Robles, T.F.,& Krull, J. (2016). Spillover in the home: The effects of family conflict on parents’ behavior. Journal of Marriage and Family, 78, 127-141.
Repetti, R. L., Reynolds, B. M., & Sears, M. S. (2015). Families under the microscope: Repeated sampling of perceptions, experiences, biology and behavior. Journal of Marriage and Family, 77, 126-146.
Bai, S. & Repetti, R.L. (2015). Short-term resilience processes in the family. Family Relations, 64, 108-119.
Wang, S. & Repetti, R. L. (2014). Psychological well-being and job stress predict marital support interactions: A naturalistic observational study of dual-earner couples in their homes. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 107, 864-878.
Kane, H. S., Slatcher, R. B., Reynolds, B. M., Repetti, R. L., & Robles, T. F. (2014). Daily self-disclosure and sleep in couples. Health Psychology, 33, 813-822.
Sears, M.S., Repetti, R. L., Reynolds, B.M. & Sperling, J.B. (2014). A naturalistic observational study of children’s expressions of anger and irritation in the family context. Emotion, 14(2), 272-283.
Repetti, R. L., Wang, S., Sears, M. S. (2013). Using direct observational methods to study the real lives of families: Advantages, complexities, and conceptual and practical considerations. In J. G. Grzywacz & E. Demerouti (Eds.), New Frontiers in Work and Family Research. New York: Psychology Press & Routledge.
Repetti, R. L., Saxbe, D.E., & Wang, S. (2013). Stress. In E. Ochs & T. Kremer-Sadlik (Eds.), Fast-Forward Family (174-191). Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
Campos, B., Wang, S., Plaksina, T., Repetti, R. L., Schoebi, D, Ochs, E., & Beck, M.E. (2013). Positive and negative emotion in the daily life of dual-earner couples with children. Journal of Family Psychology, 27(1), 76-85.
Robles, T.F., Reynolds, B.M., Repetti, R.L., & Chung, P.J. (2013). Using daily diaries to study family settings, emotions, and health in everyday life. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 30(2), 179-188.
Repetti, R.L., Robles, T.F., Reynolds, B.M., & Sears, M.S. (2012). A naturalistic approach to the study of parenting. Parenting: Science and Practice, 12, 165-174.
Repetti, R.L., Wang, S., & Saxbe, D.L. (2011). Adult health in the context of everyday family life. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 42(3), 285-293.
Repetti, R., Robles, T., & Reynolds, B. (2011). Allostatic processes in the family. Development and Psychopathology, 23, 921-938.
Repetti, R., Flook, L., & Sperling, J. (2011). Family influences on development across the life span. In K.L. Fingerman, C. A. Berg, J. Smith, & T.C. Antonucci (Eds), Handbook of Life-Span Development (pp. 745-775). New York: Springer Publishing.
Saxbe, D.E., Repetti, R.L., & Graesch, A.P. (2011). Time spent in housework and leisure: Links with parent’s physiological recovery from work. Journal of Family Psychology, 25(2), 271-281.
Slatcher, R.B., Robles, T.D., Repetti, R.L., & Fellows, M.D. (2010). Momentary work worries, marital disclosure, and salivary cortisol among parents of young children. Psychosomatic Medicine, 72(9), 887-896.
Saxbe, D.E. & Repetti, R.L. (2010). No place like home: Home tours correlate with daily patterns of mood and cortisol. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 36(1), 71-81.
Saxbe, D. & Repetti, R.L. (2010). For better or worse? Coregulation of couples’ cortisol levels and mood states. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 98(1), 92-103.
Repetti, R.L., & Wang, S. (2009). Parent employment and chaos in the family. In G.W. Evans & T.D. Wachs, (Eds.), Chaos and its influence on children’s development: An ecological perspective, pp. 191-208. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.
Repetti, R.L., & Wang, S. (2009). Work-family spillover. In H.T. Reis & S.K. Sprecher, (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Human Relationships, pp. 1694-1697. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Campos, B., Graesch, A.P., Repetti, R., Bradbury, T., & Ochs, E. (2009). Opportunity for interaction? A naturalistic observation study of dual-earner families after work and school. Journal of Family Psychology, 23(6), 798-807.
Repetti, R.L., Wang, S., & Saxbe, D. (2009). Bringing it all back home: How outside stressors shape families’ everyday lives. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 18(2), 106-111.
Saxbe, D. & Repetti, R.L. (2009). Fathers’ and mothers’ marital relationship predicts daughters’ pubertal development two years later. Journal of Adolescence, 32(2), 415-423.
Saxbe, D. E., & Repetti, R. L. (2008). Taking the temperature of family life: Preliminary results from an observational study. In A. Newhall-Marcus, D. Halpern & S. Tan (Eds.), Changing Realities of Work and Family, pp. 175-193. New York: Wiley-Blackwell.
Repetti, R. L., Taylor, S. E., & Saxbe, D. (2007). The influence of early socialization experiences on the development of biological systems. In J. Grusec & P. Hastings (Eds), Handbook of Socialization (pp. 124-152). New York, NY: Guilford Publications.
Lehman, B. J., & Repetti, R. L. (2007). Bad days don’t end when the school bell rings: The lingering effects of negative school events on children’s mood, self-esteem, and perception of parent-child interaction. Social Development, 16(3), 596-618.