Adults’ Social Environments, Multiple Social Roles and Health

This research asks how experiences in work and family roles influence adult mental and physical health, including adolescents’ expectations for their future work and family roles.

Robles, T. F., Repetti, R. L., Reynolds, B. M., Chung, P. J., Arevalo, J. M. G., Cole, S. (2018). Family environments and leukocyte transcriptome indicators of a pro-inflammatory phenotype in children and parents. Development and Psychopathology, 30, 235-253.

Kane, H. S., Slatcher, R. B., Reynolds, B. M., Repetti, R. L., & Robles, T. F. (2014). Daily self-disclosure and sleep in couples. Health Psychology, 33, 813-822.

Repetti, R.L., Wang, S., & Saxbe, D.L. (2011). Adult health in the context of everyday family lifeAnnals of Behavioral Medicine, 42(3), 285-293.

Repetti, R.L., Klima, T., & Kremer-Sadlik, T. (2005). Commentary: How might parents’ work and family roles contribute to adolescents’ future roles? In B. Schneider & L. Waite (Eds.) Being together, working apart: Dual career families and the work-life balance (pp. 361-364). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2005.

Repetti, R.L. (1998). Multiple roles. In E. Blechman, & K. Brownell (Eds.) Behavioral medicine for women: A comprehensive handbook. (pp. 162-168) New York: Guilford Publications.

Taylor, S., Repetti, R.L., & Seeman, T. (1997). Health psychology: What is an unhealthy environment and how does it get under the skin? Annual Review of Psychology, 48, 411-447.

Bower, J.E., & Repetti, R.L. (1994). Family labor as a moderator of the effects of job stress. The Community Psychologist, 27(2), 29-31.

Repetti, R.L. (1993). Short-term effects of occupational stressors on daily mood and health complaintsHealth Psychology, 12(2), 125-131.

Repetti, R.L. (1993). The effects of workload and the social environment at work on health. In L. Goldberger, & S. Breznitz (Eds.) Handbook of stress (2nd Edition). (pp. 368-385) New York: The Free Press.

Repetti, R.L. & Cosmas, K. (1991). The quality of the social environment at work and job satisfaction. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 21(10), 840-854.

Repetti, R.L., Matthews, K.A., & Waldron, I. (1989). Employment and women’s health: Effects of paid employment on women’s mental and physical healthAmerican Psychologist, 44(11), 1394-1401.

Repetti, R.L. (1988). Family and occupational roles and women’s mental health. In R.M. Schwartz (Eds.) Women at work. (pp. 97-129) Los Angeles: UCLA Institute of Industrial Relations.

Repetti, R.L. (1987). Individual and common components of the social environment at work and psychological well-beingJournal of Personality and Social Psychology, 52(4), 710-720.

Repetti, R.L., & Crosby, F. (1984). Gender and depression: Exploring the adult-role explanation. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 2(1), 57-70.